Welcome to the very first Many Helping Hands Earth Day celebration.
Earth Day asks us to focus on many critical environmental topics, and these days, it feels like there is so much work to be done to protect what we love. As we gather our collective will and imaginations to address the climate crisis, we also need to recognize that the next generations will be key to protecting and defending our environment for the future. Finding the joy in being in nature at a young age is credited with a lifelong love and advocacy for our blue and green planet.
We have you covered! Start now and start with MHH365!
Credited as one of the founders of the environmental movement, Rachel Carson’s in her beautiful book “The Gift of Wonder” the story of children’s learning from nature writes: “If I had influence with the good fairy who is supposed to preside over the christening of all children, I should ask that her gift to each child in the world be a sense of wonder so indestructible that it would last throughout life, as an unfailing antidote against the boredom and disenchantment of later year…the alienation from the sources of our strength.” Have you retained your sense of wonder?
As we began working on this years inaugural Earth day celebration, we wanted to help Cambridge neighbors discover and rediscover that sense of wonder. We’ve collected and curated events just for families and kids-or the kid in you because, although the topics we are discussing on Earth Day are important, we realize that sometimes people also need hope and inspiration. Take a step back and enjoy what we have with optimism. There is beauty and joy out there! Let us help you find it.
Find the birds! There are several events on our schedule for you and your family to learn about the simple ways you might become a backyard or community birder.
Participate in art projects. Art-making slows us down and hones our observation skills. Learn to “nature journal” with Erica Beade or try your hand at telling a story of nature through the Chinese art of paper cutting
Walk with us. Take a walk with us in the beautiful Middlesex Fells Reserve or become a bug detective or citizen scientist with Earthwise Aware.
Play games and enjoy green activities. Our partners work to protect green spaces with families and children in mind. Here are a couple of activities to do from home for the whole family:
Matching Game-Invasive or Native?
Color the Black Horned Night Heron and other native species along the Charles River
Finally, lend your helping hands! You can literally make a difference immediately. We encourage you to join a clean up or invasive removal. Two are already listed on the calendar. You can also try going greener, explore composting, or reduce your solid waste or use of water.
More to come! Let us know what you think.
Photo: Julien Gordon