Starting in January 2024, Activist Afternoons, the extremely popular Sunday afternoon gathering will be reconvening twice a month at St. James Church in Porter Square, Cambridge.
Activist Afternoons organizes civic engagement events for local citizens that give people opportunities to play a role in creating social change.
The Afternoons are a great opportunity to meet and learn from activists, and an inspiring way to see your efforts transformed into real results—from ending voter suppression and addressing climate change to removing obstacles to greater social equity.
It’s real democracy in action for real people!
“It’s exciting and inspiring to discover your neighbors are just as eager as you are to show support for a local issue and to work together to get something done,” said one former Cambridge participant. “I’m so glad it’s back.”
Attendees also mention that learning about local issues, organizing, and the nitty gritty of government has been a valuable experience and one that has shown them the impact they can have as involved citizens.
Each week activists leading initiatives bring their projects to the gathering and share details. Particpants can then choose to take part in an intiative that interests them. Actions may include sending an email to a local official, phone banking, helping to organize an event, writing postcards to voters, planning a flash mob and more. The fact that it is a communal event means you also meet your neighbors, share perspectives, and leave inspired!
Drop in, learn about an issue affecting peoples lives, think about the change you want to make and particpate in an action.
Sign up and drop in on the first and third Sundays at St. James Church, 1991 Mass. Ave in Porter Square.
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